Sublime Code Snippets : Autogenerate Java key constants - an example

I largely use Jetbrains products for my day to day development work (which is mostly Android). I really love the Live Template feature that is available on IntelliJ, for example if I type psfs and press Tab I get the...

Jekyll:Syntax Highlighting in Github Favoured Markdown codeblocks

You are using Jekyll to host a blog on Github pages. And you need to add Syntax Highlighting to your code. And you want to mark your code blocks using the triple backtick format of Github flavored markdown. Now that’s...

Linux refugee in Windows aylum: A scoop of chocolatey nuget

I forgot my laptop’s charger at my dorm when I came home this weekend, but I had to work on my GSoC project as my contributions were lagging. I had to borrow my Dad’s XPS running Windows 8. Fuck. Windows....

Android Protip: Show selected value of ListPreference

Here’s a quick Protip for people who are still writing complex onPreferenceChanged code to show the selected value of a ListPreference Just add android:summary="%s" and Android will automatically do it for you ;) For example, your code might look like...

Autoconnect Ubuntu Server to a Wifi network

So I just turned my old Lenovo Z580 into a Android Build Server. And the first problem I faced was that of making it auto connect to the home Wifi everytime I turn it on. Basically we have to edit...